Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Author of "Eat, Pray, Love" Un-Neuter Your Creativity.

Elizabeth Gilbert, "...this peculiar thing is that I wrote this book, this memoir called Eat, Pray, Love which decidedly unlike any of my previous books umm went out in the, world for some reason, and became this big mega sensation, international, best-seller thing.  The result of which is that every where I go people treat me like I'm doomed.  Seriously, doomed...doomed."

These are the words of a mega sensation crying out to the creatives.  She asks, "What is it about creative ventures that seems to have us cry out to each other?"  To elaborate, she then discusses her father, and the fact that "...he never had chemical engineer block?"  And she's right We creatives are different.  We have always know it.  The way we dress, our hair, personalities and constant strange analogies have always made us stand out from others.

Go on, pick out the creative in this image:

The question anymore isn't why are we different, trust me, if you're labeled amongst us, you can answer that. The question is why do we have this stigma of being really "undone" by our creative gifts?  We are accepting "...this notion that creativity and suffering are somehow inherently linked, and that artistry in the end will somehow always lead to anguish," Gilbert says.

Watch her TedTALK and listen:

We do need to not be scared of the work that we love, and only know how to do.  Think of it more like this perhaps.  Gilbert reminds her audience of a time when people thought they were mere vessels for the creativity gods to use. Maybe what makes us different is the fact that our minds are just more open those who whisper in our ears?

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  As a creative, if I could be anyone else I would.  I know the life I have chosen will not be as easy as some other.  The truth though, I can't do anything but see beauty, creativity, design and art in my world.  This is who am and the only way I know how to live.

To you ask this:  Where does your creativity come from? What is the one job or passion you cannot live without doing?  Do you have a Doby or a house elf living in your walls whispering what to do?  Or are you waiting for that perfect selection of words to blow across a field so you can chase them down? What inspires you?

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