Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lung Cancer; a Fashion Faux Pas



Agencey: Foote, Cone & Belding; Singapore

Well, what do we think?  First of all I do believe without doing any further research or wondering, its easy to get what's going on here.  Models, from what I gather, have a tendency for not the healthiest of lifestyles.  Personally, I know plenty of actors and show-biz type folks who would agree smoking does keep the weight off.  In fact I had one professor in class tell me, "Ya the 80s were all about the super-model diet -- cigarets and a Diet Coke."

Honestly, I really enjoy these.  Unfortunately I could not find the text for the smaller copy in these ads, but I don't really think it is necessary.  If I had to guess I would say it just elaborates on the effects of Lung Caner in women.  Which unless you've been living ten miles underground for the last 70 years I'd say you already know.  I believe FCB is aiming at the high fashion, high pressure and high vanity industry.

Think in your life who is smoking?  Why?  It doesn't matter if they admit it or not I would bet $500,000 house in the Grand Caimans that deep down somewhere they feel just tad bit "cooler" when sitting around outside, in a bar or a local coffee shop with their empowering, confidence boosting cig in hand.  It's like you're part of this elite, unspoken brotherhood or something.

That's what these ads get at, trying to show that, while smoking may be leading to some cool things now...really you could be the most attractive person in the world... it means nothing if your dead.  My major critique would have to be the women look too beautiful.  They are taking away from the point.  Zombify them up a even more and have the fashion be he only "pretty" thing worth looking at. All the same the ads do justice to their point.

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