Sunday, March 13, 2011

Teds 10 Ads Worth Spreading

According to the website Alltop, "The folks behind TED believe the online advertising trend that has brought an onslaught of obnoxious, in-your-face ads to our computer screens has caused more annoyance than anything else. To combat this irritating trend, TED has selected ten ads that “tell a story, share an idea, make an authentic human connection, become unforgettable.” The 2-5 minute spots may run longer than the usual 30 second commercials seen on television, but their form of intelligent engagement makes them worth watching."

Thus, for the next 10 days I have chosen to focus on 10 ads (chosen by TedTALKS) worth spreading.  At first I thought, eh lets cram them all into one day, then I watched the ads.  They are so mind blowing that  they could not truly have their due if smashed all together.  

And so, today I give you # 10:

The World’s Smallest Stop-motion Character Animation

So what makes this ad so amazing, the people at TED say, "We love how this ad brings showcase and entertainment together, demonstrating a new smartphone's imaging capabilities through a magical, microscopic animation. (Fun fact: this ad holds a Guinness World Record as the smallest stop-motion animated film.)"

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